Many men struggle with beard itch, which can lead to giving up on growing a beard altogether. While there are many resources available on remedies for beard itch, few address the underlying causes. Some sources touch on the causes but fail to explain how and why certain solutions may help.

As a Male focused full service salon we frequently receive questions about how to stop beard itch from clients, so we have decided to write a comprehensive article outlining the fundamentals of the issue and how to address it. Every man deserves the chance to grow a beard without the discomfort of itchiness ruining the experience.

What are the causes beard itch?

how to stop beard itchThe first thing to note is that there are essentially 2 main types of beard itch that can affect men in different situations. The first is what we like to call the “virgin beard itch”. This typically occurs in the first few weeks (sometimes months) of first growing out a beard from a clean shaven state. The second type is called “veteran beard itch” which tends to affect bushier, more mature beards. Given that the factors likely to play a role in each of these beard itch types are different, the strategies on how to stop beard itch must be tailored accordingly. Let’s look at the causes of each one in turn, before looking at ways to deal reduce the itchiness.

Fresh beard hair follicles are mainly responsible for virgin beard itch and there are a couple of things going on. Because the tips of these hairs were only recently cut by a razor or electric shaver they are sharp and often chisel-shaped because the hairs grow, and are therefore shaved, at an angle. These little chisels are also quite stiff and wiry because the hair fibres are newly formed and are yet to have been softened by the elements and a good beard care routine.

So basically in the first few weeks of growing a beard, there are whole bunch of chisel-shaped wires pointed at an angle towards your skin, scraping it as your face moves around during the course of a day. This is a recipe for itchiness. To make things worse, for most men there will also be a small number of follicles that aren’t used to growing outward and end up curling back into themselves, creating in-grown hairs. These blighters can cause irritation, skin blemishes and more itchiness. Unlike virgin beard itch, veteran beard itch has more to do with the skin under the beard, rather than the beard hair itself.

One of the main causes of veteran beard itch is dry skin. If you have dry flakes of skin in your beard then you’ve got “beard ruff” which is usually a pretty good sign that the skin underneath your beard is not moist enough to form a healthy barrier to the elements which will make it prone to itching. Like a dry scalp, there could be many different causes of dry beard skin. Most commonly they include hot or cold weather, low humidity, long term use of air conditioners or central heating, using harsh cleansers or cleansing too regularly (thereby stripping the skin’s natural protective oils), and using products that contain ingredients that you are sensitive to.

Medical conditions like allergies, eczema and psoriasis may also be responsible. Another common cause of veteran beard itch is not cleansing the skin under the beard properly, resulting in an accumulation of sebum, dead skin, bacteria, dust and grime that can coat the facial skin and cause irritation. This type of beard itch may be particularly noticeable in hot weather. If you’ve ever been unlucky enough to be stranded without a shower for a long period of time you may have noticed how itchy dirty skin can get. Even if you do give your beard a wash every day, it’s possible that you aren’t using a good enough cleanser, or you aren’t scrubbing enough to remove the build up.

3 Ways on how to Stop Beard Itch

1. Beard Oil

A good quality beard oil is something that many beardsmen swear by. An oil with the right ingredients will lubricate, absorb into the hair to soften it and help to moisturise the skin. Be aware that, like a good wine, some beard oils are better balanced than others.

The best ingredient in beard oil include coconut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, argan (Moroccan) oil and hemp seed oil. So look for brands that have these on the ingredients list. If the beard oil feels too greasy, try using less or switching to a brand that has the right mix of oils for the skin to which it is being applied.

2. Cleansing the Beard

A cleansing routine is also a real must. In the early stages it is important to exfoliate to avoid in-grown hairs as the beard emerges from your face. I recommend a gentle cleanser that has sufficient lather to remove build up of oil and dead skin, but not too much that it dries out the face. A cleanser that has a foaming action is an excellent choice as it allows the beardsman to measure a consistent amount. Also, because it comes out pre-lathered, it is less likely that too much will be used for the job at hand.

Once the beard is a few millimetres long, there may be a benefit from the additional use of a conditioner. However, conditioners are generally designed for scalp hair, rather than thick beard hair, and it may feel weird and inconvenient to have to put conditioner on the face. One way around this would be to find a 2 in 1 beard cleanser that cleans and conditions at the same time.

3. Brushing

For virgin beard itch, the main objective is to keep those chisel shaped little beard hairs from irritating the skin. There are several ways to do this and ideally it is better to use several methods in combination for best results. First, a twice-daily brush with a beard comb or beard brush is a great way to slowly start to dull the sharp tips of the hair.

I recommend brushing upwards against the grain with several firm strokes, so that the brush or comb rubs against the tips of the hair, before finishing with a few strokes with the grain to set the hair back in place.

This will not get results over night, but with time it should contribute to a dulling of those little chisel tips and make the beard hair less irritating. Regular brushing against the grain should also help the beard hair to grow out from the face (instead of down along it) which may help to reduce rubbing of the beard hair tips against the skin.

Troubleshooting the Causes of Beard Itch

For veteran beard itch, the regular beard care tips on how to stop beard itch, still apply and daily brushing will do wonders. However, the focus should be to determine what is causing the itch. If it is dry skin, then a good beard oil or beard balm will help to moisturise the skin and hair. When applying the oil or balm, it is a good idea to draw it upward from the bottom of the beard, against the grain.

Brush it up against the grain several times before patting it back down. This technique will help to coat the skin under the beard to moisturise it. However, if the dry skin persists may be a good idea to discuss it with a doctor, particularly if it gets worse over time or is associated with redness or discharge. They will be able to help you to figure out if you have a skin condition that requires treatment, or whether it is something more benign.

If you’re experiencing itchiness in your beard but don’t have issues with dry skin, it could be due to your cleaning routine. Consider scrubbing your beard with a flannel or a gentle exfoliating pad and establish a consistent cleaning routine to prevent build-up. It’s important to develop a beard care routine that works for you and stick to it diligently. If your current cleanser isn’t effective, try a different brand, as some ingredients may irritate your skin.

As part of a good beard care routine, it’s also recommended to trim your beard occasionally to keep it in shape. We offer this beard care service at Guys Grooming. Facial hair can grow in various angles, causing it to rub against the skin and result in irritation.

Trimming with a good pair of beard scissors can help promote even growth and prevent stray hairs from poking and irritating the skin. Additionally, using a low to medium hold beard balm can help train the hairs to grow in the right direction.

While having a beard can be enjoyable and eliminates the need for daily shaving, it still requires maintenance. By following these beard care tips, you can keep your beard in good condition and avoid discomfort.