Beards have long been associated with power – they were a sign of royalty in ancient Egypt and the Greeks believed having a beard made men extra virile. But if your look is becoming more bear than bearded man, it’s time to get some specialist advice. There are five main grooming styles you can go with:

  • Stubble – This one suits all guys and it’s a hit with many ladies. It’s easy to achieve too — just put down the razor for a few days. Done.
  • Goatee – You can thank Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt for this soul (patch) revival. It works particularly well on round shaped faces.
  • Short beard – Somewhere between stubble and a full beard, a short beard is manly and relatively easy to care for. The trick is to keep it well-trimmed.
  • Beardstache – The moustache is the star of this style. The beard is kept cropped. There’s a bit of upkeep involved but it’s a lot of fun.
  • Full beard – There’s a fine line between hirsute and homeless. A full beard takes commitment. A good beard oil and regular, professional shaping is a must.

The stylists at Guys Grooming can give other styles a go – just ask!

A note on styling and care. There are also lots of products you can use to keep your beard well-groomed. Try starting with these shaping tools. Beard oils will add moisture to both your facial fur and the sensitive skin beneath it. You want your beard to look shiny, not flaky or dirty. Universal fact: Dirty looking facial hair is a major turn off!

Guys Grooming can sort you out with beard combs and brushes, as well as a new razor and shaving brush. Make an appointment today.